products / Vegetables Processing Lines / Belt Blancher H55 - H56 - H57
Belt Blancher H55 - H56 - H57
Belt blancher with steam plus water

Boema S.p.A. developed an innovative and performing multiuse belt blancher.
The steam is kept inside the Belt Blancher in continuous circulation by forced flow, reaching in this way an high thermal exchange with consequent higher rapidity in product heating and higher productivity if compared with the machines manufactured by the competitors. Thus creates a uniform product heating and thanks to the forced flow it is possible to pass through a big layer of product, further increasing the productivity. The qualities of the product at output are better (better colour, flavour and nutritional value) thanks to the steam circulation system. Also the steam consumptions are lower if compared with those of the competitors, as also the water consumptions. The waste waters are composed only by steam condensates. The belt sterilises continuously at every passage in the hot phase, reducing drastically the proliferation of microbes.
The blancher can be composed of a cooking section, where are reached temperature of about 98°C, but also by a following cooling section by air and water nebulized (optional) to make the temperature sink and to prepare the product for the following freezing process. Between the two spaces there is a belt change, which occurs automatically and under the hood. The two spaces are divided both mechanically as thermally thanks to water barriers to keep the steam inside the cooking or blanching chamber.