products / Chocolate & Creams / CONCHES FOR CHOCOLATE

This machine is conceived to obtain chocolate of really high quality starting from refined chocolate powder and other ingredients. The design of the paddles is developed using simulation of thermo-fluid-dynamic to obtain the best performances in terms of mixing and “shear-rate”. The thermostatation jacket is applied on the whole surface of the conches to grant the greatest uniform and precise control of the temperature, since it is a fundamental parameter for conching operation. Boema can also supply a thermo station control unit on basin board, including a chiller and a exchanger with two sections for heating/cooling. The ventilation group with blower and electrical resistances grants a good circulation of the air and the elimination of the humidity. The conches are supplied with electrical panel with PLC to control all the process parameters and the planning of the work automatic cycles. Thanks to all these measures, it is possible to maximise all fundamental functions of conching operation in Boema conches, as: removal of unwanted flavours, removal of humidity, transferring of aromatic components in the ingredients, obtaining the optimal viscosity of the product. Boema conches are fully made of stainless steel, thus increasing significantly the aesthetic result and above all the outer cleaning of the machine.