products / Chocolate & Creams / Lumps melting systems
Lumps melting systems

The lumps melting systems are conceived to melt lumps of various products (butter, grease, chocolate, cocoa mass). Boema manufactures melting systems both with horizontal as vertical axis. In these systems there is an upper grid on which the lumps can be placed. The grid can be fed with really hot water (over 60°C) or with steam. The lumps melt really quick in contact with the grid passing into the underlying tank, which is also heated to keep the temperature of the product and to complete the melting of the small solid parts that could eventually remain. The underlaying tank can eventually be provided with stirrer to speed this melting.
For the products that are more difficult to melt, the system can be provided with a LUMPS CRUSHING MACHINE. The lumps crushing machine allows to crumble the lump into really small flakes, facilitating their melting.